Thursday, April 4, 2013

What popular culture means to me

         To me popular culture is the way we live our everyday lives that include everything around us, this could be our beliefs, the type of life style we live, the type of music we listen to, and the way we dress. Culture is changing all the time; the way popular culture was when our grandparents were younger was different compared to what is is today. Each individual person will also view the current popular culture differently than the next person. 
         The popular culture artifact that I choose is a People magazine cover of the current president and his family. This represents popular culture because not only is this a popular magazine, but the picture of President Obama shows how culture is changing, with every president till now has been a Caucasian male and now we have evolved with the current generation to having an African American president. To me this represents how our beliefs with the current generation compared to our grandparents beliefs and views were/are (Nation, 2008).

Nation, S. (2008, November 13). Barack obama family people magazine cover november 2008
“the obamas’ new life!”. Retrieved from


  1. People Magazine really sets high standards for reporting the all the new things going on in the entertainment world. As pop culture changes throughout the years, you can bet that People Magazine will have something on it. I feel like this is a great artifact to go by, especially since it is continuously updated with the new ins and outs.

  2. I like that you chose this magazine cover as your popular culture artifact. I hadn't even thought to take the concept of changing views and beliefs into consideration. My focus was strictly based on what is popular. Great choice. As for the layout of your blog, I like the simplicity of the layout and that you chose to put the image as the first thing that we see, it is very to the point and easy to follow. The only thing I would change is the spacing between lines. In your first paragraph, the lines are single spaced, whereas in the second paragraph, the lines are double spaced. Overall, great work on your blog!

  3. People Magazine is an excellent choice for pop culture. It is constantly changing and bringing us what is new, and "in". I look forward to reading my People Magazine and staying on top of the "gossip". Great choice!
