Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Body Image The Cult of Celebrities and Heroes

The cult of celebrities does have an effect on body image. A majority of Americans desire the perfect body image and they look at celebrities for this. The theory that celebrities are more widely covered by the media because of their seemingly perfect appearance than any other normal person; however, these celebrities don’t really look like what they do in magazines because they are airbrushed (Angelmother, 2008). Kate Winslet is one celebrity that stood up against her airbrushed look in magazines and said she feels no one is perfect and its more important to look like your true self (Chadwhick, 2011).
If we look back at the comic book characters who are heroes to young children, their body images have changed as time has changed, and this has an influence over children. In the earlier years, these characters were made to look a little heavier through the arms, legs and stomach and not very muscular. They were basically made to look like the professional athletes during that time. Now the comic book characters are made to look more muscular and fit with the unrealistic body types (Blum, 2012).
            There are some celebrities that are against the common unrealistic body image and they have voiced their opinions about it. To some people they would be considered an inspiration and heroes. One celebrity is Johnny Diaz, he is a Christian singer who wrote a song called “More Beautiful You.” The message in this song hit home for several women specially when its coming from a male (Chadwhick, 2009). Eleanor Roosevelt is also considered an inspiration to women during her time. Her popular statement to women was “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” She wanted to remind women that it’s only what you think about yourself that matters most. Gloria Steinem was also an inspiration to women. She wanted to remind people not to let the media or others tell you how you should look or that you need to look younger that what you really are (Chadwhick, 2011). 
Reference Page
Angelmother. (2008, March 26). [Web log message]. Retrieved from
Blum, J. (2012, March 7). [Web log message]. Retrieved from
Chadwhick, D. (2011, March 13). [Web log message]. Retrieved from
Chadwhick, D. (2009, June 9). [Web log message]. Retrieved from

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