Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Icon Analysis

The three icons that I choose were the TV show Secrete Life of an American Teenager, actress and singer Jennifer Lopez, and the Barbie doll. I choose these three icons because I felt that I can relate to these icons in certain ways. The Secret Life of an American Teenager is a popular TV show that has been on for several years now. I feel that this show does portray what a lot of teenagers are going through anymore. Over the last several years there have been more and more teenagers in high school getting pregnant. This has also happened several times in my family and in some of my friend’s families. I felt that not only is this a popular TV show but also something that a lot of American families can relate to.  

I also felt that Jennifer Lopez was a great icon for females of all ages because she does so much. She came from a poor Porto Rican family and then embraced her heritage and became a famous singer actress and producer. She does all this while also being a single mother. and also does so much for others. Currently she has produced a new TV show called the Fosters.
I choose the Barbie doll because it was something that was a popular icon when I was younger for young girls and is still an icon for young girls now. It is also something that in some aspects has stayed the same but has also changed with the changing society with the way the Barbie dolls look and dress. Over the years there have also been controversies over the way the Barbie dolls look, but they continue to have the same meaning to young girls all over America.  

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie, I agree that Barbie is a timeless icon. I have so many vivid memories of playing with my cousin and friends with our Barbies for hours on end. Although the overall appearance is not something that I would ever want my two girls to ever try to mimic, I would love for them to gain similar memories as I had in my childhood with those dolls. I think that Barbies have made it through so many generations and will make it through so many more because of the memories that each mom has that she wants to share with her girls!
