Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Body Image Myths

Body image myths
            Body image can be anything from weight, size, shape, hair and skin type. How does social media portray these myths to women and what does it do for women’s esteem?
One type of social media that is mostly known for marketing the myth of body image perfection is magazines. With the modeling, and beauty magazines all portray women to have the ideal body image of very thin women whom are not physically fit and they make every women think that is what they should look like in order to look good. Social and mass media create a perfect image look to women that they have to look have beautiful skin or hair or have to be a certain size like the images of women that you see in pictures on the internet or in magazines which creates the pressure for women to want to look like this. When in real life these women really don’t look that way, the pictures are airbrushed to create that perfect image look, and this look is also very unhealthy and unrealistic (Unknown, 2012).
Some other myths about body image include; a positive body image means you’re also impervious to societal and media messages. This means that you are resistant to the messages that mass and social media are trying to tell you to lose weight. The media is a strong force which can lead consumers into believing what they should eat or drink in order to have a certain body type. The second myth about body image is; a deeply entrenched negative body image won’t budge. This means that because so many women do not like the way their body looks, we tend to think this a normal for any women to think that way no matter what her body image is. However it is not normal because it is not natural. We are made to think that way with both mass and social media leading us to think that our bodies need to look a certain way which makes it hard for women to like the way they look (Tartakovsky, 2011).
Reference Page
Tartakovsky, M. (2011). 3 body image myths we keep on believing. Retrieved from
Unknown. (2012). Society, media, and body image. Retrieved from

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